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bertindak balas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bertindak balas"
  • bertindak:    act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir;
  • balas:    reply to; reply; response; reverberate;
  • balas:    reply to; reply; response; reverberate; reciprocate; interrupt; vindicatory; cut in; rejoinder; return; retaliatory; rebuttal; retort; cue; refutation; replica; retributory; crackdown; respond; retr
  • bertindak:    act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir; bestired; bestiring; call into play; called into play; calling into play; get action; geting action; go into action; got action; take measures; take ste
  • alexandros balas:    alexander balas
  • balas dendam:    had a score to settle with; have a score to settle with; having a score to settle with; pay off old scores; settle with; settled with; settling with; vengeance; repayment; retribution; retaliation;
  • balas dengan:    respond with
  • balas jasa:    logrolling; recompensation; retribution
  • balas kepada:    reply to
  • balas membentak:    snap back; snapped back; snapping back; whip
  • balas memukul:    gave a blow for a blow; give a blow for a blow; given a blow for a blow; giving a blow for a blow; hit back
  • balas menuduh:    recriminate; recriminated; recriminating; disencumber
  • balas menyerang:    counter-attack
  • berontakan balas:    counterinsurgency
  • landasan balas:    ballast bed
  • Gamma sensor at Site Nine is not responding.
    Sensor Gamma di Site 9 tidak bertindak balas.
  • Blood sample 12 is reacting to the cephalosporin.
    Sampel darah 12 bertindak balas ke cephalosporin.
  • Aurora lander, please respond.
    Aurora lander, sila bertindak balas.
  • NGINX SSL does not respond over IPv6
    NGINX SSL tidak bertindak balas terhadap IPv6
  • That's the way people react to OptiMaskPro
    Itulah cara orang bertindak balas terhadap OptiMaskPro
  • How do you react to his betrayal according to his zodiac sign
    Bagaimana anda bertindak balas terhadap pengkhianatannya mengikut tanda zodiaknya
  • They do not react or get reacted with the materials that are ground.
    Mereka tidak bertindak balas atau bereaksi dengan bahan-bahan yang ada di tanah.
  • Alterations in predation, which will come into play as communities respond to acidification
    Perubahan pada predasi, yang akan muncul apabila masyarakat bertindak balas terhadap pengasidan
  • I'm gonna throw some words out at you, and I just want you to respond.
    Saya akan melemparkan beberapa kata-kata pada anda, dan saya mahu anda untuk bertindak balas.
  • Alkyl halides and sulfates react readily with pyridines giving quaternary pyridinium salts.
    Alkil halida dan sulfat bertindak balas dengan mudah dengan piridin yang menghasilkan garam pyridinium kuaterner.
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